Sculpture, Performance, Photography, and Mixed Media works on the subject of evaluating home as representing safety, comfort, & nostalgia... but also captivity, faulty memory, & trauma.

Aluminum sculpture, 2022.

Site-specific sculpture and burial. Hatchet carved from carboard and compiled receipts, gesso, and white paint. Continuation of "Walk" and a personal reflection on the modern violence of prioritizing white comfort.

Assemblage of personal items and relationship remnants, sewn into a canvas that has been repeatedly reworked and reconstructed.

Performance of my morning routine around an enlarged duplication of Hatchet I.

Site-specific work in the hallway outside my apartment.

Digital Collage. Collaboration with photographer Zach Crichlow. 2020.

Digital Collage. Collaboration with photographer Zach Crichlow

"Wrapped II" printed, typed on, and rephotographed. Typewritten text reads, "some obscurities are a sweetness [...] some obstructions are kind"

Digital collage with cellphone photo.